Massage the way you like it. You describe your needs and I will design a massage to assist with your needs. Your satisfaction is my largest concern. Call Bob in Tucson 760-578-4003. Rates start at $80 per hour. Enjoy Swedish, deep tissue, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage, sports massage or Therapeutic massage. Just want to relax, Lomi Lomi massage is a great way to relax, with long deep strokes up and down the body. Give me a call so I can help!
When we meet we go through where in your body you are in pain or stiff and I will build a massage designed around your needs. I have many different modalities to relieve your pain or stiff neck or back. And there is nothing to lose, on your first experience with me if you do not like the massage, you don’t pay! But that has never happened in my 20 plus years of massage, so give us a call Bob at 760-578-4003!
Bob Hunt – Massage Therapist