Hot fudge holy moley, Tucson now has not 1 but 2 openly gay leaders in powerful positions of authority! We previously wrote about how Police Chief Magnus has been tapped to run Biden’s Customs and Border Patrol divisions. Thusly making him the first openly gay leader in CBP. Now, Twyla Salaiz joins the top echelon of the Tucson Airport Authority as its Vice President and Chief People Officer!

Congratulations Twyla Salaiz!
In April she stepped into her new role carrying out the Airport Authority’s new strategic plan for moving forward in this post-pandemic world. Twyla comes over from Raytheon where she acted as the Director of Talent Acquisition for several years. She brings a wealth of experience and knowledge with her, along with a master’s in educational psychology from our state’s own Northern Arizona University.
Twyla has been living in beautiful Tucson Arizona for 20 years with her partner and wife. She enjoys When she’s not making boss moves and breaking glass ceilings, she can be found on the board of directors of Thrive Ansanm. It’s a Hattian non-profit that gets the resources needed in the hands of students. Resources so they can learn, overcome, and thrive together. Haiti is still struggling to rebuild after the devastating earthquake of 2010.
Now I don’t know about you. But, she sounds like exactly the type of person I’d want in charge at an international airport. While the end goal of #equality is to no longer have the need to point out the “gay” club, business, person in power etc. Right now it’s still critical to establishing ourselves as mainstream and not minorities. So, the fact that Tucson can brag about its prominent LGBTQ members is important.
It’s important for the next generation of kids to see themselves not only in representation but thriving. It is critical for the queer couple moving across the country and considering Tucson as a place to plant roots. It’s necessary for more reasons than can enumerate here but we are happy to give credit where it’s due. Congratulations to Twyla Salaiz and Chris Magnus again for being such stellar members of our community and for their accomplishments.
Jenn Hopkins