Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Cutest Couple

Cutest Couple
Cutest Couple

The Students at suburban Carmel high School in New York voted two boys as ‘Cutest Couple’ for this years high schoolo annual.

The boys Started dating about a year ago. They say they have never had any problems at all with their friends or faculty members.

The couple said their families and friends have been very supportive and even before the results were tabulated, everyone was telling them they had it in the bag.

Shouldn’t it be like this everywhere?  Two people love each other and their friends and family are happy for them.  Thats refreshing!

Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

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Tony Ray Baker, Realtor®: TonyRay@GayTucson.com
Licensed Real Estate agent in Tucson Arizona with RE/MAX Select

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