(520) 869-5001
Diversity Toastmasters on Facebook
COVID-19 Update: In response to social distancing guidelines, Diversity Toastmasters will be conducting online Toastmasters meetings the first three Wednesdays of each month from 6:00 to 7:30pm. Contact Karyn Garvin for meeting information on the Facebook page (above) or call her at (520) 869-5001.
Our community, and indeed our larger society, is in desperate need of thoughtful leaders to break through the noise of misinformation and guide us towards a more equitable future. Those leaders must be able to communicate effectively if they are to grab the hearts and minds of others. But where can a prospective leader learn these very necessary skills? Look no further than Karyn Garvin and her wonderful leadership group at Diversity Toastmasters!
How Will Diversity Toastmasters Help Me?

Lets back up a little bit. Featuring over 16,400 clubs in 141 countries, Toastmasters has a worldwide footprint and record of success in molding both leaders and public speakers.
As a leader in Diversity Toastmasters, you will regularly give speeches and guide others towards their goals. You will also learn one of the most important and least-understood aspects of leadership, the ability to effectively deal with feedback (both positive and negative). The group fosters a fun, supportive atmosphere which is conducive to sharing and getting to know your fellow Toastmasters.
How Can I Get Involved?
How do you get involved? You can give Karyn a call at the number above, I’m sure she would love to hear from you! You can go to the Facebook page (referenced above) and contact them through social media. Or, if you are truly brave, just head to the next Diversity Toastmasters on one of the first 3 Wednesdays of each month from 6pm to 7:30pm. Each meeting takes place in the Rincon Congregational UCC and you are always invited!
NOTE – Please check the GayTucson Events Calendar. Many community events are postponed or cancelled to help mitigate the outbreak of COVID-19
Have a great day!
Tony Ray 🙂