I know many students, like myself, are currently in our final days of school. Oh the joys of finals week, the sleepless nights of studying, the last minute great ideas for a project or finishing touches, the lack of supplies from the school store during this critical time and the constant shutdowns from overloaded servers, sudden illnesses that couldn’t have arrived at a more worse time, and the endless unanswered emails from the suddenly too busy instructor(s).
Yup, I know how are you feeling.
But I have to say, I’m almost used to the feeling of overloaded stress and being pulled from every direction. Normally, I do try to get ahead of myself and ask to a heads up or earlier assignments from my professors. Sometimes they are helpful sometimes…..they are not! But all you can do is ask, right. This time around I have a good grasp on my projects and deadlines.
Overall, I don’t have a lot to talk about so far. But I do plan on not taking summer courses this year so I will have free time and feel like a normal person again.
I do intend to travel quite a bit this summer. I will be taking plenty of pictures, doing reviews of foods and places, and getting to know more places in the world. But that is just an intention. In reality, we will see what life’s intentions are for me. I’ll catch up with you soon, take care!