Monday, March 31, 2025
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It’s NOT a Rainbow!

It’s NOT a Rainbow!
It's NOT a Rainbow!

Teal, Fuchsia, Cherry Red, Tangerine and Periwinkle are not R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. 

An amazing article was written in the Huffington Post talking about the controversy over an array of pastel, not rainbow, colors and a message about peace and love. Check it out and lets keep believing in love. 

Kudos to Coldplay, Beyonce and Bruno Mars for presenting a beautiful message at the Superbowl this weekend: “Believe in Love.” It’s not fair and mind-blowing that so much hate can come from beautiful colors and a positive message. Further, why are people so focused on hating? Lets support these artists and each other by talking positively and peacefully fighting with kindness. Love is stronger and more powerful than hate.

I think looking at the colors you’ll realize that its not a rainbow but perhaps the hippie agenda? LOL.

Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

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