Monday, March 31, 2025
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Long Time No Blog

Long Time No Blog
Long Time No Blog

I admit I have ditched my blog. I’m just having way too much fun. I don’t know where to start.

I flew into Paris and traveled around Italy, Greece, Austria… and now I have ended up in Holland. I got to be here when they won their match against Brazil in the World Cup!

I have found a few secrets while I was here. Do any of you go to Club Crawl downtown? Well, here they have Pub Crawl and it is a much larger event orchestrated by the Universities.

The shopping is wonderful here. Probably because it is European and seems chic compared to what I’m used to. While I was walking around Amsterdam yesterday, I saw at least 3 gay bars and/or clubs! I have stayed in gay-friendly places so far.

While I was in Venice, I found a rose through the door handles of my hotel! I saved it and pressed it. How romantic?!

I am staying in a youth hostel, The Flying Pig, in one room with 35 other people. There is a lounge room with couches and beds where everyone hangs out (without shoes) and plays cards… and other such things.

There is a sign at the entrance that reads, “Home is in your head.” I do believe that home is where the heart is, but I can roll with it. While I am here, I’m making myself at home and it is the best way to see the city.

My new favorite snack is a grilled cheese sandwich with tomatoes. Oh my goodness! Delish! I took a leap of faith and tried some new foods and I can’t believe how good they are! Nothing like homemade tamales, but croissants you could die for. People will rant and rave about the concoctions and I am about to join that group.

If any of you conspire with the transportation system in Tucson, you should talk to someone in Europe. There are cheap trams and busses that take you everywhere. Not just in one city, across countries. I would say that it is very energy efficient. Then again, the industries and large buildings might make up for the pollutants.

I’m about ready to catch some breakfast, but I have a few tips for travel in Amsterdam.

Don’t make plans. Go with the flow. Don’t book hotels. Travel around and find a cool place to stay. I am finding a new place every night for inexpensive prices. Talk to the locals and ask about what is happening while you are visiting.

The tourist attractions are great- but I enjoyed talking it easy as well. Biking is my favorite mode of transport. You can just rent a bike for a day or a couple of hours and go where you please. My vacation is all about relaxing and having fun.

I can’t get enough of Europe, but there really is no place like home. I miss you all in Tucson! I’d like to get caught up on more events that are coming up so I can jump right into the swing of things when I come back. 

“One good thing about music, when it hits- you feel no pain”

Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

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Tony Ray Baker, Realtor®:
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