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In The Mood For Something Really Different?

In The Mood For Something Really Different?
In The Mood For Something Really Different

Mark your calendars for the Japanese Classical Music Concert being held at Yume Japanese Gardens  on February, 15th at 5:: PM. located at 2130 North Alvernon Way.

The Yume Gardens are the perfect backdrop to hear one of Japans signature musical instruments, the shamisen, or Japanese lute.

Born in Japan and trained in Kyoto, master player, Aki Takahashi is Associate Artistic Director of the leading Canadian taiko drumming group, Nagata Shachu, and teaches taiko drumming, shamisen and voice. She is founder of the Japanese Folk ensemble ten ten, and has performed with numerous artists from a variety of other cultural backgrounds and traditions.

Sponsors of this show are Tucson’s Odaiko Sonora taiko drumming group and the Southern Arizona Japanese Cultural Coalition. Ticket prices: $15 members, $17 nonmembers, $20 at the door. Buy your ticket today!

You can now buy tickets to events at Yume Japanese Gardens online! Visit Their website,, and mouse over “News & Events,” then click on “Buy Tickets.

This is a perfect  opportunity to visit one of Tucsons true gems.

Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

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Tony Ray Baker, Realtor®:
Licensed Real Estate agent in Tucson Arizona with RE/MAX Select

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