According to a new poll,Support For Gay Marriage Surged To 59 Percent!
Opposition to marriage equality seems to be shrinking according to a new survey.
On Wednesday, new figures were reported showing a record 59 of Americans now support same-sex marriage according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll. That’s up 27 percent since 2004 and significant progress from just three years ago when 53 were in favor.
Also notably, approval of gay couples adopting children jumped to 61 percent from 49 percent in 2006; and an all-time high 65 percent believe being homosexual is just the way people are and is not a choice. The survey consisted of a random sampling of 1,002 adults.
The shift in attitude toward matrimony has seen 16 more states and Washington, D.C., legalizing gay marriage since Massachusetts did in 2004.
Voters in Arizona, which recently pondered a bill enabling businesses to deny service to gay couples, now comprise a majority in supporting same-sex marriage.
And for Something really fun, check out the “GayTM” video on the right →