2820 W Ina Rd
Tucson AZ 85741
(520) 297-6049
Website & Social Media:
ICSTucson.org & ICS on Facebook
Interfaith Community Services, a non-profit agency providing social services to Pima County has been active in our community for over 3 decades. Their mission is to fill the critical gaps that exist in our human services infrastructure and help the less fortunate among our society meet their basic living requirements.
Who does Interfaith Community Services… umm… Serve?
Interfaith Community Services is often the last ray of hope for people with nowhere else to turn. Through their programs, seniors and people with disabilities are able to live in safe, independent homes. Their programs also enable people dealing with food insecurity to have a chance at a full meal. Job loss, economic hardship; ICS has a program to help with almost everything!
Originally, only a few hundred people each year were able to benefit from their incredible mission. However, as Tucson grew, so did the mission and they now regularly touch over 40,000 regular Tucsonans each year! They provide relief to people just like you and your neighbors in very practical and effective ways!
Make A Difference with Interfaith Community Services
Make a difference in your community and support the awesome mission of ICS. They will be excited for any volunteers and will happily accept any tax-deductable donations. Visit the Interfaith Community Services website today to learn other ways you can get involved!
ICS has been a force in the community. They help people in need, achieve stable, healthy and independent lives. Donations are always appreciated, and is eligible for the Arizona Tax Credit, but there are several other creative ways to lend a hand.
- Donate your vehicle – If you have a vehicle that you no longer need, you can make it useful again by donating it to ICS! Another great tax deduction! We gladly accept motorcycles, boats, trucks R’s etc.
The vehicle does not have to be in running condition. We will make all the arrangements to pick the vehicle up from your home. All you need to provide is a signed, clear title.
- Shop with Amazon Smile – When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shipping experience. The added bonus is that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to ICS
- Food Bank – We have a tremendous need to food within our community. Please see the website to find out what foods are suggested. We service over 1,700 families / households each month. In addition to food, personal hygiene and diapers are always in need. Please don’t forget the pets! They need supplies, too! Most of our clients will feed their pets, before themselves. You can also help by organizing a food drive.