The fact of the matter is, we all need a little something from time to time to give us the boost we need to get through our hectic lives. Here are a couple of food choices to give you a little added zing.
Chia Seeds are a hot item for healthy diets for many reasons.
You may have grown Chia seeds without even knowing it if you ever got a chia pet for christmas.
These nutritious seeds provide a hefty dose of antioxidants, protein, fiber, zinc, iron, and omega-3 fats—for only 140 calories in a single serving. Chia’s high dose of omega-3s can help reduce inflammation, treat or prevent anxiety and depression, and there have been claims that they slow the aging process. They are very handy since the seed do not need to be ground. They are easy to add to your diet by sprinkling chia seeds on cereal, yogurt, salads or any other favorite food. For cooking with Chia Seeds, they make a great thickener for thickening smoothies, salad dressings, and soups.
Millet, yes that tiny annoying birdseed, it turns out that millet while being gluten free, also contains manganese, magnesium, fiber and phytic acid. Manganese helps the body form connective tissue, bones and sex hormones, which, as we all know, are the most important hormones of all. It is a small seed that can be added to soups salads and other grain dishes to ramp up your Manganese.
So, load up on some millet
Kefir, similar to yogurt in taste, this fermented dairy drink is like a thick, protein-packed smoothie.
Another Complete protien, like milk and fish, proteins in kefir are easily digested, so even people who are lactose intolerant may consume the drink. Because it’s packed with gut-friendly bacteria called probiotics, kefir has been shown to enhance the immune system, balance, digestion, and even lower cholesterol. It’s also an excellent source of vitamin D and calcium
Drink a glass as a light breakfast or snack. If you have never tried Kefir, to prevent any digestive issues, start out with about a half cup serving since it is packed with healthy probiotics. You can increase the amount every few days.
You can thank me later!