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Save Arizona From Itself – Stop SB1062 – G3 Event

Save Arizona From Itself – Stop SB1062 – G3 Event
Save Arizona From Itself - Stop SB1062 - G3 Event

Arizona is poised to become the first modern state to lawfully allow discrimination (encourage it?) amongst it’s citizens.  Under the guise of religous freedom, conservative (notice the small “c”) fringe elements have crafted a bill targeting LGBTI couples. 

While the spirit of the law is aimed at preventing gay people from becoming married (what year is this again?  why are we fighting the same battles over and over), the letter of the law allows for a much broader interpretation.  Hotels, restaurants, really any business establishment would be empowered under the law to refuse service to LGBTI couples for the sole reason that they are same-sex.  They have drawn their line in the stand, now is the time to push back!

Please join in the fight on tonight. G3 will be hosting a fundraiser at JunXion Bar, located at the corner of Scott and Congress, will be donating 100% of all bar sales (in addition to donations).

Monies will be used for printing and promotional needs to fight this bill. No funds will be used for administrative costs. Pete King (G3 Organizer/Event Producer) and Wendell Hicks (Executive Director of SAAF) will be part of an all-volunteer committee which will oversee and post all revenues and expenses.

Please visit G3’s Facebook page for more information:

Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

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Tony Ray Baker, Realtor®:
Licensed Real Estate agent in Tucson Arizona with RE/MAX Select

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