Last year, the US Department of Veterans Affairs contacted regarding a brand new campaign to better assist Tucson LGBTQ vets. Studies have consistently shown that LGBTQ soldiers are already an at-risk group for high stress and the various maladies that accompany stressful work and living environments. The VA decided they could do better, and “Make the Connection” was born.
Tucson LGBTQ Vets Make the Connection
As part of the new campaign, they were interviewing Tucson LGBTQ veterans to get a better grasp on their unique challenges and how they can be better served. See some of our amazing veterans in action!
There was such a tremendous amount of feedback that the US Department of Veterans Affairs is now redeveloping the entire campaign in response! Not all of the changes are active yet, but we have had a hand in really improving the services devoted to LGBTQ Veterans in our country!
Calling All Tucson LGBTQ Veterans… Again!
We have been asked to once again help Make the Connection between local Tucson veterans and the USVA. This time, they are highlighting mental health issues and how LGBTQ veterans are affected. In addition, Veterans Affairs is also looking for stories related to opioid addiction.
I know these stories can be personal and it can be scary to open yourself up to an international audience, but you have a chance to really help other soldiers going through similar trials. You can show them your battle scars and share with them your strength. You can help Make The Connection.
How To Help
There will be local interviews will be conducted later this month, so there is still time to sign up and participate. The deadline to sign up is Friday, April 13, 2018. You can get full event details at US Department of Veterans Affairs Make The Connection Tucson Interviews. It’s coming fast, so sign up today!