With a new year upon us comes a bumper crop of new and updated Tucson Accolades. Specifically, I am referring to the brand-spanking-new 2020 Tucson Equality Score from the Human Rights Council (HRC). Keep reading to how Tucson got another perfect score and keep checking back for more Updated Tucson Accolades for 2020 as they roll in!
How Did We Perform in the 2020 Tucson Equality Score?
As always, Tucson performed wonderfully in every metric for equality and inclusion for a community. Starting very early, we has been able to work with the local Tucson municipality to enact rigorous protections that safeguard the equality of all peoples in Tucson. HRC definitely took this to heart as we received another perfect score when it comes to Non-Discrimination Laws.
Another area to Tucson truly excels is in legal protections for it’s LGBTQ community members.From the wonderful Safe Spaces program to our fantastic ally in Police Chief Chris Magnus, local law enforcement goes above and beyond to secure our freedoms and keep us safe. To be honest, I don’t think we thank them enough for their tireless work to ensure equality of all peoples under the law.
Where Can Tucson Improve in the 2020 Tucson Equality Score?
It wasn’t all sunshine and roses, unfortunately, as there were still a few areas of improvement for Tucson to take that next step in inclusivity. Chiefly; we need to take more steps to ensure an inclusive workplace for all Tucson citizens. It would also be great to have a LGBTQ liaison with the mayor, but our work with TPD goes pretty far. That’s about it for negative feedback, like usual we received glowing marks in almost every category!
I do know of a way we can improve. We need you! We need your energy and tireless passion. If you are already a Tusconan, get involved with a local organization and make this an even better place! If you are reading this from afar, what is keeping you away? Simply fill out the Relocation Package Request Form to the right. Then we start with your move.
Have a great day!
Tony Ray