Get A Job in Tucson

Q.  Hi,
I am 21, and looking for a job in Tucson, and I was thinking about posting my resume on a few of the gay friendly sites. I was kind of wondering who all gets access to the resumes posted here, because I am not out, truthfully I haven’t even fully accepted whether or not I am gay(which is a whole other problem, lol). While I would really love, like super love, to work in a gay friendly establishment, I am not sure that I would be comfortable putting all the personal info. that a resume requires in a place where anyone can find it. So I was wondering if access to the resumes was restricted to employers who are active in the gay community?

A.   Hi R,
I can not tell you where information goes after it is posted, each site is individually owned.  That being said, this is what I know is true.  Love yourself.  Respect yourself.  When you do, everyone will too. My son has been out, here in Tucson for over 30 years.  He has integrity, likes who he is and makes no bones about it.  He is equal because he treats himself as equal.   I hope I had something to do with him learning that. 

Remember, No one can put you down unless you believe what they are saying.  If someone says you are purple, and you know you are not purple, you will not believe them.

If you need help, I would suggest that you contact Wingspan Community Center.  They have a great staff who care and have great connections.

Hugs, Mom