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Geri-Fit Senior Fitness Classes

24may2:00 pm2:45 pmGeri-Fit Senior Fitness Classes

Event Details

Geri-Fit Strength Training Exercise Classes for Older Adults meets every Monday and Wednesday from 2:00-2:45 pm at the International Wildlife Museum located at 4800 W. Gates Pass Rd. in West Tucson.

This evidence-based health promotion program is a chair-based bodybuilding workout for older adults that helps build strength, improves balance, and increases flexibility.

The Geri-Fit program is open to all older adults ages 60 and over.  Participants should bring a set of 2-pound dumbbells (each), a stretch band, and water to drink during the workout. For more information about the classes or to register, call 520-639-2743 or visit



May 24, 2023 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm(GMT-07:00)


International Wildlife Museum

4800 W. Gates Pass Rd., Tucson, AZ 85745

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Geri-Fit® is a tier III (highest level) evidence-based health promotion program and chronic disease self-management support program. Designed exclusively for older adults, Geri-Fit helps rebuild strength that's been lost through the aging process. Having more muscle and strength helps ensure that we will have a higher level of function as we continue to age.

The Geri-Fit® program requires a set of light dumbbell weights, a sturdy chair, a stretch band, and water to drink during the workout. There's no dancing, choreography or floorwork and participants never have to get on the floor. Men and women find Geri-Fit a challenging, effective and very safe workout to do. Participants in Geri-Fit will literally turn back the hands of time each time they do the workout and they will marvel at the results this program provides.

The workout is considered a "progressive resistance exercise program" meaning that once participants have built up enough strength and endurance using a set of 2 or 3-pound dumbbells, they can graduate to using heavier dumbbells weights in order to become even stronger. In essence, Geri-Fit is bodybuilding for older adults! A typical Geri-Fitter will work up to using a set of 4 or 5-pound dumbbells within a year's time. The Geri-Fit physical activity program also incorporates stretching and range of motion exercises, stability and balance training for fall prevention, cardiovascular activity for heart health, and gait exercises to help improve walking. Review the Geri-Fit Program Summary for more information. 

Becoming stronger isn't the only positive outcome that's achieved with Geri-Fit. Older adults will also see an improvement in balance and functional capacity which will help lessen their chance of falls. Other benefits are an improvement in activities of daily living such as carrying groceries, being able to get in and out of a car, standing up from a seated position, picking up a pet, walking up and down stairs, and just being able to walk freely again. A noticeable improvement will also be seen in mood. Most participants experience decreased anxiety and depression within just a few weeks of starting the Geri-Fit program.

Geri-Fit is an ideal ongoing evidence-based self-management support program for chronic disease management, i.e., pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, behavioral health, obesity/weight loss/weight management, mental health, as well as chronic pain management. Geri-Fit also provides continued benefits as a regular, ongoing balance and fall prevention exercise program for graduates of the Matter of Balance or Bingocize® fall prevention courses. Think of Geri-Fit as "the booster shot" that keeps you more protected from falls.  And remember, even though Geri-Fit is designed for ages 60 and over, Geri-Fit is especially beneficial for those that are over the age of 75.  Any senior age and fitness level can participate. We suggest to everyone to just work out at their own pace and do what they can!  

For facilities with limited space and time, instead of offering Geri-Fit on an ongoing basis, Geri-Fit can be offered as a 12-week "course." For instance, Geri-Fit is usually coupled with the Matter of Balance program so that when MOB participants complete their course, they can immediately enroll into 12 weeks (24 classes) of Geri-Fit.  This offers facilities the ability to rotate multiple evidence-based programs on an as-needed basis with an option to provide long-term programming (ongoing classes.)

The Geri-Fit® evidence-based health promotion / disease prevention program is recognized by the Administration on Aging (AoA) and the Administration for Community Living (ACL), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, at meeting the highest criteria (tier III). Geri-Fit is one of several recommended evidence-based physical activity programs for older adults and is recognized by the National Council of Aging (NCOA).  All seven research-based programs are listed on NCOA's physical activity page.  The Geri-Fit program is also approved as a remote delivery evidence-based program for home-bound participants.  For a complete list of all the approved remote delivery programs, visit NCOA's website and search for the Geri-Fit program.  For a complete list of all evidence-based programs, click here.

Federal funding under Title IIID OAA (Older Americans Act) is now available to senior centers, non-profit organizations, faith-based organizations, Area Agencies on Aging, county Health Departments, recreation and community centers, libraries, and other eligible entities who want to implement tier III evidence-based health promotion programs, chronic disease management support programs, evidence-based physical activity programs, and health improvement plans for their communities.

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