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Gay Teens death Causing Confusion in Rome

Gay Teens death Causing Confusion in Rome
Gay Teens death Causing Confusion in Rome

The Via del Corso is twinkling with a gay rainbow of lights.

For those who are familiar, you know the Via del Corso is the big shopping district in Rome. Nearly 1 mile long.

The rainbow colored swags of lights for the Christmas holidays are spectacular to see.  Of course, conservatives are upset.  I guess, because how do you explain pretty lights to your children? The city planners are backpeddling in trying to make it a tribute to Nelson Mandella.  I believe, you call that irony.

The lights were intended to be a symbol of support after the suicide of a gay teenager earlier in the year.  City assemblywoman Inna Battaglia, who came up with the idea, is also a leader in a gay rights campaign goup in Rome.  Anybody want to go to Rome?

Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

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