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Kathy Griffin, She Was Everything I Hoped For…

Kathy Griffin, She Was Everything I Hoped For…
Kathy Griffin, She Was Everything I Hoped For...

As many of you may know by now Ms. Kathy Griffin came to town! I know some people were not able to attend because there was not a lot of advertising for it. But then again, its my understanding that is was somewhat of late addition to her tour. I didn’t even hear about until one week prior. The few other times I heard of the show was on Kathy twitter page. Needless to say, I think Ms. Griffin will be back!

I was able to attend the show with a good friend of mine, who happens to be another faithful fan. We found easy great parking and then waited for the doors to open. Once they did, we know to expect great things! We entered and hit the bar! We each had 1 drink, whoever that bartender was…he knew what he was doing! What a drink it was. As soon as I saw the t-shirts and other collectable things to buys we knew we had to get a few things. By a few, I mean half of the damn table. Totally worth it!

I had the honor of running into Tiffany, Kathy’s personal assistant. She was very nice and focused on her duties at hand. I spoke to her VERY briefly and told her that I loved seeing her on the show and all that she does and how she handles herself in front of the all the cameras from the show and the paparazzi. She thanked me and told me to enjoy the show, then she had to do…something…for the show and Kathy.

We took our seats and I must say, this part is my own personal little rant about manners. If you have people coming to their seats in the middle of the row. It is just common sense and decency to move or tuck in your feet so other can get by. If you don’t, then…don’t be surprised or shocked when I step on your toes…literally! Now back to the show. As we waited, at our seats, for the show to begin I heard someone call my name. It was my friend Tony Ray!! He waived Hello and I did the same.

The house lights went down and the screen lite up with a great intro of some of the more famous and infamous moments in Kathy’s career. I loved it. Then….the music started and the woman herself came dancing out! What a moment it was!! She gave kisses, laughs and the finger to the audience, lol. It was great!

She was everything I hoped for and more. My own complaint was that I wished she had talk about Anderson Cooper more, but what she did share about him was hilarious. She also shared a personal text message from Mr. Cooper and a few others. If you haven’t seen any of her shows, I highly recommend that you do!

Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

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Tony Ray Baker, Realtor®:
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