There are over 40 hotels including some 4-star resorts in Tucson that allow owners to stay with their pets. IWhen you stay at a pet friendly hotel, t’s their vacation too! You can easily search for the price range and amenity level you are looking for with the click of a button. Want gay-friendly and dog-friendly, try the Radisson Suites on Speedway.
If your trip to Tucson will be more vacation than “passing through”, you should consider a vacation rental property. You have the choice to stay down in the desert or 9000 feet up on Mount Lemmon in a cabin surrounded by a forest of trees. One suggested site is Vacation Rentals by Owner at www.VRBO.com.
Be sure that you read all of the hotel’s “Pet Policy” on the website to prevent any surprises on your hotel bill. There are maximum size limits on most that range from 50 to 75 lbs per pet, and most but not all have non-refundable pet deposits or daily fees. Some of these fees are as high as $150 per stay or $25 per day. Most hotels expect pets to be crated if the owners are not in the room.
Here is a Website for You to Find Pet Friendly Hotels in Tucson
I highly recommend reading each hotel’s reviews from those who have stayed there. These comments can help the traveler decide if the hotel is in a setting best suited for pets, comfort, and relaxation. Walks in our desert surroundings are very relaxing for both you and your pets, but if you are staying in a business class hotel, there are many dog parks located around Tucson.
You will also need to consider your mode of transportation when traveling with a pet due to crate size and that some rental car companies may place restrictions or charge fees for cleaning the car. And while we are talking about pets in cars, be sure to read the following Tucson specific travel tips for pets.