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Tucson, A National Concensus

Tucson, A National Concensus
Tucson, A National Concensus

Across the country, the news reports the misdeeds of Arizona, its faulty political agenda of hate, separatism, non gay friendly legislation to the infamous border wall.  I won’t even mention a certain sheriff.  We sound like a bunch of wild west, gun totin’ idiots.

With all of the bad press Arizona gets, it may be shocking to note that Tucson, AZ, that island of liberalism, just north of the border had been named once again as one of the top ten best places in the country to live as a LGBT individual by The Advocate.

The magazine features census information leading to the make up of the list including such
things as average median household income, quotes from locals, and politicians touting the achievements of the city in fostering a community that is gay friendly.

Advocate Editor Anne Stockwel wrote: “We continue to find that the lives of gay people in America are evolving in surprising ways,”… “we would never have dreamed that we would be reporting on
the burgeoning gay scene in Lexington, Kentucky, or that gays and lesbians would be retiring to Santa  Fe. This remarkable study is evidence of a sea change in our culture and of  acceptance and visibility.”

It is important for all of us as we travel, and we do, to let everyone know how great Tucson is.
we cannot afford to let the world see us through the lens of a few short sighted conservatives
in Phoenix. Spread the word. Tucson is Great!

Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

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Tony Ray Baker, Realtor®:
Licensed Real Estate agent in Tucson Arizona with RE/MAX Select

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