With Gay Pride month approaching, we felt it would be appropriate to take a few moments to think about our shared history. I know it feels like everything is upside-down right now. If we take a look back and gain some perspective, our community has really accomplished a lot through the years. Follow along with me as we recount some of the highlights in our Gay Pride History.
Then and Now
Gay Pride in our country had an ignominious inception. The Gay culture was on shaky ground less than a year after Stonewall was attacked by haters and crooked cops. Stonewall was a watershed moment in this country. We couldn’t take the intense police and job discrimination any longer. We were willing to fight for our rights to live peacefully and be happy. It was from this wreckage in 1970’s Greenwich Village that a phoenix arose in the form of a Gay Pride rally. That rally lifted our collective voices and demanding proper treatment under the law and in society.

What originally began as a forum for addressing collective grievance and broadcasting our issues to a larger community has transformed into a celebration of individuality and togetherness. Some 20 years after the first Gay Pride parade in New York and there are gatherings throughout the country. Pride was a wildfire that ignited the imagination of LGBT men and women everywhere!
Gay Pride History, We Can Never Forget
It’s important to never forget the courage and humility of the brave people who fought the good fight before we could. It’s a testament to our ability to rise above the indecency and hatred and truly love each other. Let’s spread that love from city to town to neighborhood. Even though we Tusconans don’t celebrate our Gay Pride in June, June will always be a huge month of Gay Pride History in the US.
Have A Great Day!
Tony Ray 🙂