More Fun Gay Events in Tucson and Southern Arizona

Tucson Gay Pride 2014

What: Pride On Parade When: Saturday, October 11 2014 6:00 PM. Where: Starts at Catalina Park on 2nd St. and Goes Down 4th Ave. to 8th St. Admission: All we ask is that you participate! Official Website: Tucson Pride Parade Over the past 14 years the Tucson Pride Parade has grown to become a central part of the Tucson Gay Pride celebration.  2014 promises to take the event to the next level!  Pride on Parade will begin at Catalina Park on 2nd St. at 6:00 PM on Saturday, October 11th.  We will proceed to 4th ave. and take a right, leading to our destination on 4th and 8th St. The most important thing is to get involved.  The focus of Pride on Parade is to allow everyone to be themselves, some come have a blast with us at the block party at the end of the parade! Thats right, this year the Tucson Pride Parade has joined with Sky Bar to provide a Block Party from 7pm to 9pm.  It’ll be the best place to grab a drink after the long parade march ; )

What: Tucson Pride In The Desert When: Saturday, October 18th 2014 Where: Kino Sports Complex. Admission: $10.00 at the door. VIP Tickets available online at Tucson Pride presents it’s 37th Annual LGBTQ Pride Festival . $50. VIP. Advance tickets can be bought on-line at Advance purchase tickets can be picked up at the will-call table at the entrance on the day of the event. Details to come shortly, book the date and plan on a great time!

Senior Pride Zoom Event Schedule


Just like everywhere else, COVID-19 has shuttered the landscape of local events in Tucson. We have been keeping an active calendar of all the amazing things to do in Tucson for almost 10 years. Sadly this is the fewest events we have ever seen so please attend some! Firstly, many people are becoming more and more savvy with technology and forward-looking organizations have moved their events online. So please keep reading to learn about all the wonderful virtual gatherings you can attend with our Southern Arizona Senior Pride Zoom Meeting Schedule!

What Is The Senior Pride Zoom Event Schedule?

Senior Pride has long been one of the most active community organization in Tucson. They regularly hold support groups, fun events, and learning workshops. This is to keep us informed as we move through the later stages of our lives.

Some of their re-occurring groups include:

Southern Arizona Senior Pride Zoom Meeting Schedule
The Zoom Meeting Featuring TPD Representatives will be Illuminating
  • Senior Pride AA Meeting, Every Monday, 7-8:00pm. This is an open meeting, available to all persons with interest in the AA program of recovery. For example the format is Step Meeting (12×12), reading and discussing selections from the AA publication, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. To attend, please send meeting coordinator your email address:
  • Senior Pride Speaker Series – A wonderful group that has brought in some of Tucson’s luminaries to address our community. For instance the Speaker Series is a powerful way to learn more about what is happening in the community. This event comesis to you by the real movers and shakers in Tucson. The next event occurs on Tuesday, June 9, 2-3:00 pm, so go sign up. Topic: Safety for Older Adults: Beware of Scams, Making Homes Secure, and Fall Prevention. Presented by: Margo Susco, Tucson Police Department’s Community Engagement Coordinator, and TPD volunteer Allan Tractenberg because these issues are critical to our aging community. Request your Zoom invitation link and password by email to
  • Senior Pride Book Club – The Book Club meets monthly to discuss the current selection. They often host roundtables with authors and publishers and help bring context to the selected narrative. So the next Book club meeting occurs on Wednesday, June 17, at 2-3:30 pm. They will be discussing this month’s selection: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous: A Novel, by Ocean Vuong. In this first novel by the 2019 MacArthur “Genius” Award winning poet. It comes in the form of a letter from a son to his mother regarding the effects of the Vietnam War, however she doesn’t want to listen. The book was on the long-list by the National Book Awards in 2019. So remember, you must request your Zoom invitation link and password by email to:

What Else?

Southern Arizona Senior Pride’s will send you a Zoom invitation that provides an easy-to-use link to access the meeting. In order to get this invitation, you must first send your request to one of the email addresses listed above. Please be sure to include your desired meeting date, time, and a description of the event. We want to make Senior Pride sends the proper meeting link. To learn more about Zoom visit the “Meetings and Support Groups” section of their website

SAAF Moda Provacateur


Moda Provacateur: A Runway Show Done the Fun Way

Raising funds for programs and services of the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation

The first Moda Provacateur, held in 2004, was created by Kevin Casey from Avalon for Hair, Skin and Nails after he participated in ‘Crème de la Do’ in 2003, a fashion and style show organized by an agency in Albuquerque helping to raise funds for local HIV/AIDS agencies around the country. Since 2004, Moda Provacateur has raised more than $141,000 in support of SAAF’s programs and services. The incredible, continued support for Moda Provacateur from the local salons, boutiques and businesses through their participation and underwriting of the cost of the event, helps to build tradition and ultimately, the success of this exciting fundraiser.

Tucson Gay Pride 2018: What Vendors and Sponsors Need To Know

It is the most exciting part of the year! We get to plan our involvement in the most cherished of Gay Events in Tucson, Gay Pride 2018! Vendors and Sponsors, especially, need to plan ahead to get the best locations and most favorable rates. Registration packets will be available as soon as April 16th to help clear up any lingering questions. In the meantime, however, vendors and sponsors can use this page to learn what they need to know about 2018 Tucson Pride!

Gay Pride 2018 for Vendors and Sponsors

Advertising at Tucson Pride is one of the most rewarding ad-spends we do every year.I have promos we created for Tucson Pride dating back over a decade. In fact, I still have the first sticker we ever produced, and I have photos of me handing them out! Check the bottom of the Tucson Gay Pride page for an anthology of past Tucson Prides! This year has proceeded a bit differently, but I have myself received a sponsorship request, so I know the sign-up process has begun. If you are interested in sponsoring or being a vendor, look for these dates:
  • April 16 – Vendor Registration Packets will be Available
  • Shortly Thereafter – Sponsorship Packets will be made Available
  • Advertisers – The time is now to begin designing your content and preparing for the event!

Gay Pride 2018 for Advertisers

The most important point I can make to other advertisers is to be fun and playful. The entire event is a blast and people will only connect with your advertising if it communicates the same spirit. I would also recommend creating content that people can really use. Put your message on hats or shirts or stickers or pens, something people can hold in their hands and incorporate into their lives. Finally, understand the theme and how your message can fit into it. The 2018 Tucson Pride theme, “New Beginnings” offers a ton of messaging options. Keep your adverts new and fresh to take advantage of the incredible size of the Tucson Pride community. Keep monitoring GayTucson for the latest info on Gay Pride 2018 as soon as we get it! Have a great day, Tony Ray 🙂    

Tucson Gay Pride 2007


Tucson Gay Pride 2010


Tucson Gay Pride is known as “Pride in the Desert” and was held at Reid Park on October 9, 2010.  Check out over 100 photos of Tucson Pride’s GLBT community celebrating pride below.