Friday, March 28, 2025
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Local LGBTQ Non-Profits

Aunt Rita’s Foundation

Aunt Rita's Foundation Website1101 N. Central Ave. Suite 212Phoenix, AZ 85004(602) 882-8675 Important Note: While Aunt Rita's Foundation is based in Phoenix, they do...

Colby Olsen Foundation

738 N. 5th Ave, Suite 205Tucson AZ 85705(520) 343-9139 ColbyOlsenFoundation.orgColby Olsen Foundation on Facebook The Colby Olsen Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness about the issues...

Equality Arizona

Equality ArizonaP.O. Box 25044Phoenix, AZ 85002-5044 (602) 538- Equality Arizona strives to create a society where LGBTQ communities have the same legal rights and protections...

Families For Private Adoption

Families For Private Adoption Thinking about adopting? Families for Private Adoption ( is a not for profit agency that can help your family through the adoption process. The...

Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN Tucson) 3418 East 3rd Street Tucson, AZ 85716 (520) 60-5977 Website & Social Media: & Find Tucson Chapter of GLSEN on Facebook GLSEN...

Interfaith Community Services

2820 W Ina RdTucson AZ 85741(520) 297-6049 Website & Social & ICS on Facebook Interfaith Community Services, a non-profit agency providing social services to Pima County has been...

LGBT & Straight Alliance Fund

LGBT & Straight Alliance Fund 2250 E. Broadway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85719 520-209-2858 Website & Social Media: & Find them on Facebook The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer (LGBTQ+)...

Living Out Loud

Living Out Loud - LGBTQ SERVICES NOW CLOSED 3130 E. Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85716 (520) 202-1832 Website & Social Media: & CODAC opened the Living Out Loud...


Call: 602-400-2601 Ext. 2 Email: Web: Address: 1101 N Central Ave #202, Phoenix, AZ 85004 We Are Open: 9am-5pm admin Youth Center is 3-7pm one•n•ten is a wonderful organization dedicated to...

Rainbow Build

Help Build Rainbows to bridge the gap for hard working American families.  Rainbow Build, an LGBT group affiliated with Habitat for Humanity, have been...


SAAF Tucson (Southern Arizona Aids Foundation) 375 South Euclid Avenue Tucson, AZ 85719 (520) 628-SAAF (7223) Website & Social Media: & Find them on Facebook & Find...

Southern Arizona Gender Alliance

Southern Arizona Gender Alliance Phone: (520) 345-4128Email: Website & Social Media: & Find them on Facebook Southern Arizona Gender Alliance (SAGA) is a support program for...

The Gay and Sober Project

The Gay and Sober Project1543 E. Prince Rd.Tucson, AZ. 85719(520) Social Media Our vision is to create a safe environment for LGBTQ+ people to gather...

The Outpatient Project

The Outpatient Project: The Outpatient Project serves to provide a voice for marginalized genders to share their perspectives on healthcare experiences and issues. This group...

Thornhill Lopez Center on 4th

526 N 4th AveTucson AZ 85705(520) 628-7223 Thornhill Lopez Center on 4th WebsiteThornhill Lopez Center on 4th Facebook Unfortunately, all services and programs provided by the...

Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network TIHAN

Contact: 2660 N 1st Ave Tucson, AZ 85719 (520) 299-6647 Links: Find them on Facebook The Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN) works to build a compassionate and  non-judgmental service to...

Tucson Pride Tucson Pride or TLGA (Tucson Lesbian and Gay Alliance) is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization. They produce and promote educational, cultural, and recreational events.  They...

Tucson’s Southern Arizona Senior Pride at a Glance

Southern Arizona Senior Pride was begun as a program of the Wingspan LGBTQ Community Center in 2002. When Wingspan closed its doors in 2014,...

There are many local LGBT Non-Profits in Tucson. These great organizations serve as a resource, ally and aid to pick up, elevate and support our community in times of abundance and times of need.