Which Incredible Tucson LGBTQ+ Group Will You Join Today?
Wonderful Tucson LGBTQ+ Groups
3 Meetup Groups for Queer Women in Tucson
Let’s face it. It’s hard to meet women who love women in Tucson. Pretty much everywhere actually. When I say that I mean that...
American Military Partner Association
American Military Partner Association
Website & Social Media:militarypartners.org & Find AMPA on Facebook
American Military Partner Association (AMPA) is a fantastic resource and support group committed...
Arizona Gay Rodeo Association
P.O. Box 40465Phoenix, Arizona 85013
Arizona Gay Rodeo Association WebsiteArizona Gay Rodeo Association Facebook
The Arizona Gay Rodeo Association is the 501c(4) organization created to host...
Bears of the Old Pueblo
Bears of the Old Pueblo
3938 E Grant Rd #193
Tucson AZ 85712
(520) 829-0117
Website & Social Media:
botop.org/ & BOTOP on Facebook & Social Calendar
They're a bunch of friendly...
Desert Voices
Desert Voices
PO Box 270
Tucson, AZ 85702
(520) 791-9662
Website & Social Media:
desertvoices.org & Find them on Facebook
Desert Voices was founded in 1988, and has since grown...
Diversity Toastmasters
(520) 869-5001 Diversity Toastmasters on Facebook
COVID-19 Update: In response to social distancing guidelines, Diversity Toastmasters will be conducting online Toastmasters meetings the first three...
Family and Friends of HIV+
Friends and Family of HIV+
375 South Euclid AvenueTucson, Arizona 85719(520) 628-SAAF (7223)sluethje@saaf.org
Website & Social Media:SAAF.org
Family and Friends of HIV+ SAAF group provides education and...
G3 Tucson
G3 Tucson
Website & Social Media:www.TucsonG3.com & Find them on Facebook
G3 is an gay event planning group in Tucson. The people who show up to the...
Gay Tucson Meetup Group
Gay Tucson (Meetup) founder Todd G. retired early and moved to Tucson from the Midwest in 2018. He, a former partner, and a friend...
GayKickball Tucson
GayKickball Tucson is an LGBTQ & Ally community-based sports league that takes pride in providing an organized, competitive and fun experience for all players...
GLAAS – Gays, Lesbians and Allies at SaddleBrooke, AZ
Website: https://www.glaasclub.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GLAASCLUB/
GLAAS, the fun acronym for Gays, Lesbians, and Allies at SaddleBrooke, is the premier social club at SaddleBrooke! This active adult, 55+ community...
GLBT Al-Anon
Website & Social Media:
GLBT-Friendly Al-Anon is in Tucson!
There are lots of Al-Anon groups in Tucson for you to choose from and there...
JFSA Pride
JFSA Pride
3822 E. River Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85718
(520) 577-9393 ext 128
Website & Social Media:
jewishtucson.org/lgbt/ & Find JPride on Facebook
JFSA Pride or JPride, formally the...
LGBTQ+ Services Committee – Pima County Public Library
How does your library uphold its values? Quite simply, we celebrate diversity and find strength in recognizing differences.
What We Do
Since 1997, the LGBTQ+ Services...
Living Out Loud
3130 E. Broadway Blvd,
Tucson, AZ 85716
(520) 202-1832
Website & Social Media:
livingoutloudaz.org/ & facebook.com/livingoutloudaz
CODAC opened the Living Out Loud...
Men’s Social Network
Men's Social Network
Information phone contact Ken at 520-207-6264 or email Thom at msn.communicator@gmail.com
Website & Social Media:
www.MensSocialNetwork.org & MSN on Facebook & Social Calendar
Men's Social Network - MSN...
375 S. Euclid Ave
Tucson, AZ 85719
Michael L. at (520) 547-6109
Website & Social Media:
MSHAPE on Facebook
MSHAPE stands for Men's Sexual Health and Personal Empowerment....
Our League Tucson
Kickball in various different organizations is how most of the people in this wonderful league met. Our League Tucson was a dream made a...
Reveille Men’s Chorus
Reveille Men's Chorus
PO Box 43633
Tucson, AZ 85733
(520) 304-1758
Website & Social Media:
reveillemenschorus.org & Find them on Facebook
Reveille Men's Chorus is Tucson's internationally recognized men's chorus. ...
SAAF Haven
SAAF Haven
375 South Euclid Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85719
Maricela Fair or English Gama at (520) 628-SAAF (7223)
or email at mfair@saaf.org & egama@saaf.org
Website & Facebook
SAAF stands for Southern Arizona...
Southern Arizona Aids Foundation
Southern Arizona Aids Foundation - SAAF
375 South Euclid Avenue
Tucson, Arizona 85719
(520) 628-SAAF (7223) or (800) 771-9054
Website & Social Media:
saaf.org & Find them on Facebook
Southern Arizona Senior Pride
Southern Arizona Senior Pride (SASP)
Southern Arizona Senior Pride & SASP on Facebook
Contribute To Southern Arizona Senior Pride
The mission of the Southern Arizona Senior Pride reads:Southern Arizona...
Spirit to Spirit
Spirit To Spirit
LBGTQ Spiritual Conversation Group
Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
6:00 – 7:30 pm
2447 Los Altos
(1/2 block N. of Grant and 1 block W. of...
The UA Institute for LGBT Studies
University of Arizona Institute for LGBT Studies845 N Park Ave, 5th Floor (1.23 mi)Tucson, Arizona 85719 (520) 626-3431
The University of Arizona Institute for...
Tucson Frontrunners
Tucson Frontrunners is a running/walking social club for LGBT people, their family and friends, and straight allies in the Tucson area.
Our main run/walk is...
Tucson GLBT Chamber of Commerce
Tucson GLBT Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 14312
Tucson, Arizona 85732
(520) 615-6436
Website & Social Media:
tucsonglbtchamber.org & Find them on Facebook
Opened in 1990, the Tucson GLBT...
Tucson LO50
Visit Tucson LO50 Facebook Group
Tucson LO50 - Making the Rest of our Lives the Best of Our Lives
This group is for lesbian, bisexual, trans,...
Tucson Prime Timers
Tucson Prime Timers
Contact Information/questions:
For Website Info and Interaction:
Secretary: Jim - Email:tucsonprimetimers.secretary@gmail.com
(no phone)
Mailing Address: PO Box 87822, Tucson, AZ 85745-7822
The Tucson chapter of Prime Timers...
Tucson’s Southern Arizona Senior Pride at a Glance
Southern Arizona Senior Pride was begun as a program of the Wingspan LGBTQ Community Center in 2002. When Wingspan closed its doors in 2014,...